Afternoon swim with sea views
Published : 2015-07-13 | Categories : FacilitiesThere is no other way to understand the pleasure of taking a whirlpool bath: this magnificent installation was carried out in Corsica by our Aquavia Partner Piscines de France,
Mallorca Spa in the Medina of Essaouira
Published : 2015-07-13 | Categories : FacilitiesThe new Official Partner EPA Piscines has already completed an ambitious project by installing the first Spa on a terrace in the Medina of Essaouira, in the luxurious DarMaya Hotel
Spa Cube installed in Mallorca
Published : 2015-07-13 | Categories : FacilitiesIn this installation carried out by our Aquavia Partner Aquagrup, the Spa Cube is perfectly integrated into the environment. This is an installation on the island of Mallorca ,
Spa Cube in Toulouse
Published : 2015-07-13 | Categories : FacilitiesThis week our Aquavia Partner Harmony Spas, sends us photos of a new installation of the Spa Cube , in a private home in Toulouse.
Aqualife 5 Spa in Albi
Published : 2015-07-13 | Categories : FacilitiesIn this new post, we show an Aqualife 5 Spa installed by our Aquavia Partner Harmony Spas in the city of Albi. The Spa has been installed in an outdoor patio of a private home.
Swimspa in Lyons-la-Forêt
Published : 2015-07-13 | Categories : FacilitiesOfficial Partner Rondanl'o has installed an Amazon Swimspa in the beautiful French town of Lyons-la-Forêt, located in the Eure department.
Barcelona Spa in beauty center
Published : 2015-07-13 | Categories : FacilitiesThe Official Partner Aqua Blue Europe ( www.aquablue-europa.com ) has installed a Barcelona Spa in a Mahana Spa beauty centre located in the town of Colomiers, near Toulouse (France).
New Spas Showroom in Norfolk: Spas Unlimited
Published : 2015-06-22 | Categories : ShowroomLast Saturday, June 6, Spas Unlimited opened the doors of its new Aquavia Spa showroom. The event was attended by the entire Spas Unlimited team and served to present the project