Installation requirements depend on the type of Spa you have purchased. We have two large groups of Spas depending on their installation:
- SPAS WITHOUT EXTERNAL FILTRATION EQUIPMENT: the Spas belonging to this family are those from the EXCLUSIVE, PREMIUM, AQUALIFE AND SWIMSPA ranges. The Spas in this family are Spas designed to be installed on the floor of your terrace, living room or garden. They require a level floor, a drainage point, a water filling point, as well as an electrical outlet suitable for the Spa's consumption. If you install the Spa on a terrace, remember to request a report on the resistance of the floor: a Spa can accumulate more than 1,500 kg on a surface of 4 m2.
- SPAS WITH EXTERNAL FILTRATION EQUIPMENT: this group includes the Spas of the INGROUND and PROFESSIONAL ranges. The Spas of this family mainly require a level floor, a drainage point, as well as an electrical installation to be able to connect the Spa. It is necessary to contact your installer to be able to assess the project and analyse the needs according to your equipment.
Please refer to the product installation manual for more information or contact your point of sale.
The projector is designed to operate at 12 V~AC. If the Compact Kit for Public Use is used, the projector must be connected directly to the M6 output on the control cabinet's electronic board, as indicated in section 3.3. LIGHT CONNECTION of the installation manual.
To connect your hot tub in three-phase, follow these general steps depending on your hot tub model. We recommend that you consult the specific manual for precise details on the installation in these cases:
- My hot tub has a GS501SZ panel and has two massage pumps and a blower.
- My hot tub has a GS501SZ panel and has a massage pump and blower.
- My hot tub has a BP panel.
For detailed information and to ensure a correct installation, you can access the manuals via the following link . If you have any questions or need additional assistance, do not hesitate to contact our technical support service.
Document GS501SZ 2 massage pumps Document GS501SZ 1 massage pump Document BP
Before proceeding with the installation and assembly of the Spa, you must ensure that you have received the Spa in perfect packaging conditions. If the packaging is damaged, notify your distributor immediately and note the damage to the material on the delivery note.
It is very important to level the ground on which the Spa is going to be installed. Remember that once installed, you will fill it with water and the level will depend on whether the ground has been leveled.
Aquavia Spa Spas have been designed for both indoor and outdoor installation. You must take care of the Spa if it is installed outdoors; remember that prolonged exposure to the sun can damage the surface of your Spa, as well as its accessories. Please refer to the product manual for more information.
To ensure the durability of your hot tub furniture, it is crucial to follow these recommendations related to ventilation:
Importance of ventilation in hot tub furniture Adequate ventilation is essential to avoid possible warping of the hot tub panels.
Be sure to provide adequate ventilation for your hot tub furniture to prevent warping.
IMPORTANT The hot tub warranty does not cover damage or deformation of the cabinet panels if there is a lack of ventilation due to the type of installation. This includes:
- A hot tub partially or completely covered by constructions such as decking.
- A hot tub buried or semi-buried in the ground.
- Materials in contact with the base of the hot tub (such as stones, wood, artificial grass) that are directly on the ground and block necessary ventilation.
All residential spas have a drainage system located at the bottom of the spa. A valve can be used to drain the spa at any time. It is advisable to provide a drain in the spa area to prevent water from accumulating around it and thus avoid dangerous areas for bathers to access.
You will find an explanatory video in the following link.
All flat panels of the Spa are accessible. There are two fixing systems: one with screws that hold the panel and another without screws that is held in place by a dual lock system (velcro). Remove the panel and you will easily access the inside of the Spa for any type of maintenance or installation.
The consumption of your Aquavia Spa will depend on the configuration you choose. Our hot tubs are designed at the factory to ensure that the maximum consumption does not exceed 3.5 kW. However, for the Premium range and swimspas , consumption can reach up to 6 kW on certain models. For specific details on consumption, please refer to the technical sheets for each hot tub .
It is highly recommended to have the product started up by one of our official technical services. Not only will they check the correct operation of the Spa, but they will also receive explanations about the functions and maintenance of your equipment.
The Spa does not have a specific filling system. It is recommended to use a manual filling system with a garden hose or similar.
You will find an explanatory video in the following link.
Don't worry. The Aquavia Spa heating system is designed to heat approximately one degree per hour under normal conditions. During the first installation, it will take about 24 hours to reach the ideal bathing temperature.
The Spa cover fulfills 3 basic functions:
1. Save on Spa maintenance by maintaining water temperature
2. Protect the water from falling leaves and other impurities
3. Extend the life of the Spa by protecting it from the sun's rays when the product is not in use.
You will find an explanatory video in the following link.
You will find an explanatory video in the following link.
You will find an explanatory video in the following link.
In our Spas there are valves in the flange that serve to mix the atmospheric air with the water pumped by the massage pumps, where by the Venturi effect the air will be sucked in, mixing with the water and obtaining a much more pleasant massage.
Prolonged stays in direct contact with hot water can cause HYPERTHERMIA,
This occurs when the internal temperature of our body reaches levels above the
Normal temperature is 36.5ºC. It is not advisable to extend the bath for more than 15 minutes. This is why our equipment automatically stops 15 minutes after the massage has started.
It is recommended not to exceed body temperature. Prolonged stays in direct contact with hot water can cause HYPERTHERMIA, this occurs when the internal temperature of our body reaches levels above the
normal temperature 36.5ºC. It is not advisable to prolong the bath for more than 15 minutes.
You can choose between one or two filter cycles, depending on your specific needs. For normal use, it is recommended to schedule a filtration of 2 to 3 hours per cycle. For more details, please refer to your hot tub 's user manual.
It is not advisable for pregnant women, people with high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes or those taking medication to use the Spa.
All Aquavia Spa residential spas have an LED lighting system that has a sequence of different colours. To change from one colour to another, simply press again and again until you find the desired colour.
Aquavia Spa hot tubs are equipped with two automatic disinfection systems: Clean Water (ozone system) and Ultraviolet Treatment (UV system). These systems work in conjunction with the Water Disinfection Kit to complement and improve water quality. They do not replace chemicals, but rather optimize the disinfection process, ensuring a cleaner and more pleasant experience in your hot tub .
In the case of swimspas , all include an automatic disinfection system that combines ozone and UV, known as WaveOzone Combo.
Some jets can also regulate the flow rate by turning the water flow on and off. Turn the jet clockwise to open the jet.
No. Please remember that your hot tub is equipped with a water pump system. Mixing soap or salts into the water will not only deteriorate its quality, but will also cause excessive foam build-up.
Some models include a special valve for adding aromatherapy beads, allowing you to enjoy an aromatic experience during your bath.
The hot tub has a pre-configured filtration system that requires water to be filtered twice a day. This is essential to maintain water quality and prevent stagnation.
The “Set the time” message on your hot tub appears because every time the equipment is restarted, the hot tub time needs to be set. However, the filter cycles are kept in memory and do not need to be reprogrammed.
In the low utilization operating state (rest mode), error 38 may appear. This occurs because the equipment requires a massage pump to be activated to recirculate the water.
To resolve any issues, please contact the dealer who sold you the hot tub or the nearest distributor. They will coordinate with our after-sales service for a quick solution. Please be sure to provide the equipment serial number (SN) whenever you request technical assistance. You can find the SN of your hot tub in the video below:
If your hot tub 's jets are turning on and off intermittently, the first step is to check the water level, as it may be insufficient. Make sure the water level is at the optimal level, you will find an indicative label next to your hot tub 's filter.
If you notice that the jet flow seems weak, it is advisable to check that both the valves and the jets are fully open. Aquavia hot tubs have valves located on the top of the tab, which can be opened or closed manually.
To locate your hot tub 's ID number, you'll need to inspect the underside of the unit. The ID number will be labeled with the initials "SN," which denote the model ID. You'll also find a code for your hot tub , which will be labeled with the letters "Code." It's essential to write down both the ID number and the code specific to your hot tub . This information will be essential if you need replacement parts or technical assistance in the future. Additionally, this information may also be relevant if you decide to register your hot tub or make a warranty claim.
You will find an explanatory video in the following link.
In the following link you will find all the information regarding purging my Spa:
Aquavia Spa recommends the use of its water disinfection products. They will help you maintain an adequate pH level as well as proper disinfection.
You will find an explanatory video in the following link.
The filter should be cleaned periodically. Simply clean it with a pressure hose. Make sure all impurities are gone and reinstall the filter. It is recommended to change the filter every 4 months. You can see how to change your hot tub filter in this video.
In the event that the temperature sensors detect a drop in temperature below 6.7ºC, the
resistance and the filtration pump will automatically connect to prevent freezing of the
water and the damage this could cause to your Spa.
The equipment will remain connected for 4 minutes after the temperature returns to
rise above 7.2ºC.
In colder climates an additional temperature sensor can be added as a precaution and thus
avoid freezing not detected by standard sensors.
Please contact your installer for replacement aromatherapy bags.
• Use common general purpose cleaners. For normal care and cleaning, use a cloth
or a sponge with a little soap and water. Rinse well and dry with a clean cloth and
dry. If you are using a household cleaner, make sure it is recommended for dry surfaces.
acrylic by the manufacturer.
• Never use abrasive cleaners.
• Do not allow the acrylic surface to come into contact with ketones or esters such as acetone,
acetates (such as nail polish remover, nail varnish or dry cleaning substances)
or any organic solvent with chlorine, varnishes, gasoline, aromatic solvents, etc.
• Remove dust, stains and dried dirt with a soft, damp cloth.
• Clean grease, oil, paint and ink stains with isopropyl alcohol and dry with a
clean, dry cloth.
• Avoid using razors or any other type of sharp instrument that may scratch
the surface. Small scratches can be removed by applying a thin layer of varnish to
cars and lightly buffing it with a clean cloth.
Once a week, clean the area of the Spa that is not under water with a quality polish.
for Spas.
If you are not going to use the hot tub for an extended period, especially in winter, follow these steps:
- Disconnect electrical equipment : Place the differential switch tab in the OFF position.
- Locate the drain valve : Refer to the appropriate section on draining your hot tub . Turn the red handle on the valve to open it and allow the hot tub to drain by gravity through the main drain.
- Leave the drain valve open : Allow the water to drain completely.
- Remove the filter cartridges : See the filter maintenance section for instructions. Store in a dry place.
- Clean and dry the hot tub : Make sure the hot tub is completely clean and dry.
- Cover the hot tub : Use a suitable cover to protect it.
You can find more information about this situation in the manual .
If your hot tub 's pumps or jets are not working after refilling, there is probably an air bubble in the pumps. To avoid this problem, we strongly recommend filling your hot tub by placing the hose directly into the filter compartment.
Deterioration of headrests can be intensified by excessive use of chemicals and insufficient ventilation after shock treatments. To prevent your hot tub cushions from deteriorating, it is recommended to remove them during and after performing shock treatments on the hot tub water.
Additionally, it is beneficial to open the hot tub cover for a few minutes a couple of times a week, even when the hot tub is not being used or is being used minimally, to allow any gases built up under the cover to dissipate.
We also recommend cleaning the headrests regularly with water, neutral soap and a clean cloth.
During regular use of your hot tub , residue from oils, lotions, and hair products can build up on the water surface, potentially causing a yellow water line to appear inside hot tub . This residue can easily be removed with a hot tubs surface cleaner or similar product. It is important to avoid abrasive cleaning products that can leave soap residue in the water.
If you are unsure of your hot tub cartridge code, please refer to this document to identify the correct model. Please note that depending on your hot tub range, you may require a different cartridge type.
Quick Solutions
The following messages report a problem with the resistance probes
Follow the steps indicated in the following checklist:
Follow the steps indicated in the following checklist:
Follow the steps indicated in the following checklist:
Follow the steps indicated in the following checklist:
Follow the steps indicated in the following checklist:
Follow the steps indicated in the following checklist:
Follow the steps indicated in the following checklist:
Follow the steps indicated in the following checklist:
The following message reports a calibration problem with the temperature probes located in the resistor. The steps indicated in the following checklist must be followed:
The following messages indicate an overheating problem. Follow the steps in the checklist below:
The following messages indicate a lack of flow in the filtration circuit. Follow the steps indicated in the following checklist: