Turning your business into a wellness area is possible thanks to public spas . A spa with these characteristics incorporates high-performance equipment designed to offer the best features.
Why a Public Spa?
A public spa differs from a private spa in the following points:
- Public spas are equipped with an overflow system that keeps the water level, regardless of the number of users. This element not only improves the aesthetics of the product, but also allows impurities to be easily removed from the water surface and improve water quality.
- Each public spa has a compensation tank to regulate the water level of the spa. This element must be installed in an area close to the filtration equipment in order to carry out the filling operations of the spa as well as the filtration of the water.
- Commercial spas are equipped with professional filtration equipment. The elements included in this kit are mainly massage pumps, filtration pumps, elements necessary for heating the water, an electrical panel designed to control the operation of the elements, as well as a professional sand filter.
Professional Spa Installation Diagram
Different finishing options
Within the range of public spas, different shell finishes are offered: acrylic, stainless steel and mosaic. In the case of mosaic spas, the possibility of combining different colours and finishes is offered, which allows the spa to perfectly match the aesthetics of the premises.
"Millennium Park" installation by Conrays Pool & Spa (Russia)
"Sochi" installation by Conrays Pool & Spa (Russia)
If you are planning to improve or create a wellness area, do not hesitate to consider the possibility of installing a public spa from Aquavia Spa : you will enhance your facilities, offer a new service to your clients and have a European-made product, highly reliable and with exclusive finishes. Check out our offer of public spas .